这是一个发生在二战时期的感人故事,也是一部花费4年时间才完成的14分钟短片,一举夺得2009年第81届奥斯卡最佳真人短片奖。 1942年的德国,在纳粹的统治下,犹太人被遣送往恐怖的集中营。一个德国小男孩,问母亲隔壁的犹太裔邻居准备去哪里?“他们即将前往玩具岛”,母亲对儿子说了一个善意的谎言。小男孩信以为真,闹着要和邻居的犹太男孩一起去,但是母亲极力反对。犹太人出发当天,德国小男孩也失踪了,母亲心急着跑到火车站寻找。在挤满犹太人的火车箱里,母亲找到了犹太邻居一家,她对着犹太小孩叫着自己儿子的名字,将他从纳粹手中解救了出来,之后牵着他回家。而她的儿子却被发现不是犹太人,被纳粹拒绝装上车,已经平安无事地回到家中……On a winter morning, a mother goes to waken her son Heinrich; his bed is empty. She leaves her flat to find him. The neighbors' door, with a Star of David painted on it, is ajar, the furnishings in disarray, the family gone. She asks passersby, runs to the police then on to the rail yard. Flashbacks show that Heinrich and the neighbors' son Paul are six years old and best friends. Paul's family's deportation is expected soon; Heinrich's mother tells her son that they're going to Toyland. Heinrich wants to go with them, has a bag packed, and listens for their departure. His mother realizes he's joined them, and her resolve becomes more urgent. Will she arrive in time to save Heinrich?