苏联解体前夕的1987年,其时还是社会主义国家的罗马尼亚仍有明确法律禁止堕胎。布加勒斯特被男友抛弃的女大学生Gabita意外怀孕,她的室友兼好友Otilia(Anamaria Marinca)决定帮她秘密堕胎。通过朋友的介绍,两人联系到了愿意做手术的医生,并估算着筹集到了一笔数目不小的钱。 不想,她们所筹的钱无法满足医生的要求。在做手术的地点——一家廉价旅馆里——医生提出用Otilia的身体做交换。为彻底帮助Gabita,Otilia答应了医生的要求,事后,她开始思考自己同男友的关系,并提出假设:如果她意外怀孕,男友会是怎样的态度?而影片名字“四月三周两天”,正是Gabita从怀孕到堕胎的时间总长。Romania, 1987, the brutal Ceausescu communist regime is in place; birth control is illegal and abortion is a crime punishable by death. Gabita (Laura Vasliu) is almost five months into an unwanted pregnancy and in meek desperation turns to her friend and roommate, Otilia (Anamaria Marinca) for help in organizing an illegal termination. Unfortunate circumstances force the two women to use a male abortionist, Bebe (Vlad Ivanor), who, in addition to an absurd amount of money, also demands sex with both women as payment. The bleakness of the storyline expresses a dark socio-political critique in the twilight years of a repressive dictatorship.