动画短片《Elephants Dream》前后制作了一年。全片将近11分钟。影片看上去更像是一部奇幻电影,科幻的场景,丰富的想象力。6位富有经验的艺术家和开发者齐聚荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹,用时7个月的时间利用开源三位软件Blender制作了一部令人激动的三维动画短片。在技术上,影片几乎挑不出什么破绽,值得您去细细品味。The two main characters are on a journey in the folds of a giant Machine, exploring the twisted and dark complex of wires, gears and cogs. Until one moment a conflict arises that throws out all their assumptions. This movie short couples lively fun with passionate characters in an epic story line.