由法国著名女影星伊莎贝尔·于贝尔主演,她在片中饰演地方官让娜·夏尔芒,她受命调查一桩涉嫌挪用公共资金的复杂要案。案件渐渐对一家大企业产生可怕的影响,而她则渐渐认识到自己权力的重要性———然而,她的私人生活却也因此陷入了危机。A character study. Jeanne Charmant-Killman is an investigative magistrate, tough minded, swift moving, taking on a group of political fixers who pay bribes and skim large sums for personal use. She breaks them one at a time. Meanwhile, her work takes its toll: relations with her husband are strained, and the group under investigation strikes back by tampering with the brakes of her car and placing a mole in her office. Can she stand up to the pressure, and what's her reward?