为了追寻哥哥的踪迹,某国公主霞(戴文青木 Devon Aoki 饰)坚持要参加世界上最权威的格斗比赛“生死格斗”,在比赛中,参赛者随时都有丧命的危险,而自己的命只有自己负责。与此同时,女飞贼艾伦(霍莉·瓦兰丝 Holly Valance 饰)、摔跤手蒂娜(杰米·普莱斯利 Jaime Pressly 饰)、游戏主办者的侄女海伦娜(莎拉·卡特 Sarah Carter 饰),以及世界各地的武术高手都收到了比赛的邀请函,一帮野心勃勃的武者向着比赛场地神秘岛进发,他们各有各的隐情,但最终目的都是打倒对手,获得千万奖金。选手们在岛上接受了严格的训练,比赛层层推进,他们闯五关斩六将,但是随着比赛的进行,某些令人不安的真相渐渐的浮出水面,这场比赛真的仅仅是为了决出世界最强武者而举办的吗? 影片根据热门同名游戏改编而成,以其极高的还原度在广大玩家中引起了共鸣。A number of fighters are invited to DOA, an invitational martial arts contest. They travel to the tournament island by plane, until they have to jump out mid-flight with parachutes, and then have until sundown to reach the main island to be entered into the tournament. Fighters are then pooled against one another in a knock-out style tournament, with the loser of a battle sent home, and the winner progressing to the subsequent round. The plot revolves around four female fighters who begin as rivals, but subsequently find themselves teaming up against another force.