「葡萄酒死了。」老人說。一部哀傷的紀錄片,紀錄了一個文化步入死亡的過程。導演走訪世界各地,讓觀眾看到兩種截然不同的製造葡萄酒方式的消長。而隱藏其中的不可見的結構,是無孔不入的全球化現象,和使個體葡萄酒不再具有其獨特性的標準化製作。 为嘎纳影史上少数进入竞赛单元的纪录片之一。 Explores a thesis: that the deep colored, oak-aged taste of Bordeaux wines has become the world standard, following the writing of critic Robert Parker, the magazine "Wine Spectator," the consulting work of Michel Rolland of Pomerol, and the money of Mondavi, a publicly-traded corporation based in Napa with a family history of wine making. Wine makers worldwide, many using Rolland as a consultant, pursue this structure, color, and taste - to the detriment, argue some, of wine that should reflect the character of the land where the grape is grown, including the lighter Burgundy. A few old wine makers, from Aniane, Sardinia, and Argentina offer this argument.