马丁娜(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)和路易斯(凯瑟琳·弗洛 Catherine Frot 饰)虽然是血脉相通的姐妹,却拥有着截然不同的性格。马丁娜嫁入了豪门,来到巴黎生活,锦衣玉食夜夜笙歌,看似完美的生活却无法带给她真正的快乐。而路易斯一直在乡间自由自在的生活,因为想要写小说,路易斯决定前往巴黎投奔姐姐,她的大大咧咧和直言不讳让马丁娜觉得自己颜面尽失,可让她想不通的是,无论是自己的丈夫还是朋友们,似乎都很喜欢粗俗的路易斯。 路易斯的小说找到了买家,即将签约出版,这是压死骆驼的最后一根稻草,马丁娜内心里的不满和嫉妒彻底爆发了。Louise, younger sister, natural and straightforward, lives in province; Martine, older sister, beautiful and aloof, lives in the Parisian upper middle class. Louise has written a novel. On Monday she will go for an appointment with a publisher in Paris, which may change her life. She comes to live with Martine for three days. During three days, Louise and her obvious happiness exasperate Martine and set her life in glares.....