年仅二十岁的美丽姑娘罗丽塔·卡萨德,除了拥有貌美迷人的外表之外,其作为杂志模特女郎的职业更是令众多同龄的女孩们艳羡不已。然而,生活对于她来说并不是人们想象中的那样美满幸福,她与作家父亲的微妙关系几乎令她改变了对人生的一切观点。她美丽、她光鲜、她嫉妒甚至仇恨年轻的继母……全因她父亲一人。一个生活充满“怪异”的女孩就这样迫切地需要着父亲的感情,就这样“个性”的生活着,哪管是父亲能“看”她一眼。Lolita, plump, in her 20s, desperately wants her father's attention. He's egotistical, a famous writer and publisher with an attractive wife little older than Lolita. She's in a choir, rehearsing for a concert; she's given her father a tape, which he's yet to listen to. Sylvia, a voice coach, is willing to help the group, knowing she'll have a chance to get her husband's new novel in front of Lolita's father. For Lolita, this is a pattern: people pay attention to her to gain access to him, something she fears is the intent of Sébastien, a struggling journalist who may become her boyfriend. The night of the concert, the music may bring out everyone's feelings.