《时空救援》讲述了一次拯救人类毁灭的超时空飞行。在不久的未来,一支由约翰·福斯特率领的队伍进行了一次大胆超时空飞行,回到过去阻止人们发现包含毁灭性致命菌的陨石,这种病毒足以将地球人类毁灭。不幸的是,一个不满足现状的野心军官——道尔顿,也希望借这样的机会重新塑造自己的未来,他在南极的一艘考察船伏击了福斯特等人。这些科研人员的命运从此改变,他们发现返回现在的机会变得渺茫,恐怖的一页就此揭开。In the not too distant future, a team of genetically unique men and women, lead by John Foster, make a daring, first attempt trip back in time in order to prevent the discovery of meteors containing a deadly, off-world bacteria... a bacteria that brings humanity to the brink of extinction. Unbeknowst to John, a mutinous officer named Dalton has personal greed driven plans of his own for a new life in the past. Set aboard a ship trapped in the Antarctic, fate and chance forever alter the lives of a group of scientists and polar researchers who encounter John and Dalton. The opposing time travelers soon discover that their return to the present day, sets into motion the terrible things to come.