根据西班牙著名作家塞万提斯同名小说改编。 阿隆索自小喜爱各种各样的骑士小说,梦想着四处锄强扶弱,于是自封为唐·吉诃德骑士,带着他的老邻居和一头驴一次次出发模仿古代骑士周游天下。在旅途中,丰富的想象力让他将风车看作巨人,将羊群看成国王的军队,女佣也变成了美神,穷乡僻壤的客栈变成了威武森严的城堡……然而现实终究是残酷的,在处处碰壁,回回受伤之后,唐·吉诃德终于在家人与朋友的帮助下找到了属于自己的人生……Adapted from the work of Miguel de Cervantes, this is the story of a hidalgo, fanatic for chivalry novels, who loses his sanity and believing to be a knight named Don Quixote de La Mancha, decides to go on imaginary adventures along with his friend, the simple farmer Sancho Panza, who becomes his squire. On their journeys, they rescue dames in distress in honorable acts and fight giants among other perils, with Don longing to be with the love of his life, lady Dulcinea, and Sancho waiting to be rewarded with an island where he's about to become a governor.