《极限挑战》是东方卫视将于今年6月推出的一档大型推理竞技户外综艺,据节目组透露,这些嘉宾都是十足的“电影咖”,曾经塑造了丰富多彩的荧幕形象,也拥有丰富的社会阅历,从6月开始,他们将展开一次“烧脑的追逐”,比拼体力更比拼智力。Go Fighting. is classified as a game-variety-reality show, and the MCs and guests complete missions at a landmark to win the objective. Usually each episode will also have an over-arching theme or story. Each episode varies in the challenges and the instructions given to the MCs, and rules are not strictly enforced, resulting in a largely unscripted show.