美国军方正在跟某秘密实验室合作培植转基因战士。这类非法战士被封闭在一个秘密的小岛上,由专人看管。女记者瓦拉瑞(埃曼妞•沃吉亚 Emmanuelle Vaugier 饰)的丈夫曾经是优等兵,因此成为了实验的对象。她为了寻找爱人,孤身潜入小岛。为了上岛,她搭乘了一个小游艇,并和出租游艇的男人杰克(蒂尔•施威格 Til Schweiger 饰)产生了一段微妙的感情。而杰克是拥有神秘过去的退休老兵。上岛之后,他们发现了军方的秘密,并遭到追杀,快艇被炸毁。逃跑中,杰克受了伤,外面下了很大的雨,他们浑身湿透,躲在一个冷僻的小木屋中。他们相互取暖、共享体温。在枪林弹雨中,两个人产生了爱情。为了营救丈夫、揭开事实真相,这对落难的恋人与恐怖敌人展开了殊死搏斗……Jack Carver, a German ex-special forces soldier turned boatman, is hired by Valerie Cardinal, a journalist, to take her to a nearby island where her uncle Max works in a top-secret research facility, smuggling information out. However, the facility's director and evil mastermind Dr. Krieger is actually creating genetically modified super-soldiers with no intelligence, and Uncle Max and Val are taken by Krieger's mercenaries. It's now only up to Jack and his trusty handgun to save them and defeat Krieger's evil minions.