随着白日落幕,城市在夜色中睡去,人们一如既往地进入梦乡。然而他们却不知道,一群被称为“说书人”的隐形灵体正在影响他们的梦境,这些说书人通过梦境向人们传递希望与力量。然而在今夜,世界不再只有一种善良的说书人,代表邪恶力量的“墨水”来到世上,他企图通过噩梦散播绝望。尽管几个说书人竭力阻挠,墨水还是成功绑架了一位名叫艾玛的小女孩(Quinn Hunchar 饰)的灵魂,使她的肉体处于昏迷状态。然而要进入小女孩的梦境,墨水还需要一个代码作为钥匙,一场严酷的善恶交战在艾玛和父亲的梦境中展开…… 本片曾获坎昆电影节最佳独立电影奖。As the light fades and the city goes to sleep, two forces emerge. They are invisible except for the power they exert over us in our sleep, battling for our souls through dreams. One force delivers hope and strength through good dreams; the other infuses the subconscious with desperation through nightmares. John and Emma, Father and Daughter are wrenched into this fantastical dream world battle, forced to fight for John's soul and to save Emma from an eternal nightmare. Separate in their journey, they encounter unusual characters that exist only in their subconscious. Or do they?