坎(托尼·贾 Tony Jaa 饰)是一位武艺高强的拳师,精通碎象拳。他眼圈了尔虞我诈的江湖,和心爱的大象一起归隐田园,过着风平浪静的生活。然而,某日,黑社会出高价想要买走坎的大象,坎当然不会同意,谁知道第二天,大象便神秘失踪,这定和黑社会脱不了干系。 与此同时,黑帮大佬被人谋杀,而种种的迹象和线索均指向坎,一时间,坎成为了众矢之的,只能再度踏上逃亡的旅途。一路上追击他的,除了警方和黑帮分子,还有象园老板的一双侄女,除此之外,坎还必须争分夺秒,寻回心爱的大象。落入如此凶险的境地,坎能够获得最终的胜利吗?When the owner of a major elephant camp is murdered, Kham finds himself the number one suspect and on the run from both the police and the deceased's vengeful twin nieces. But luck is on Kham's side when he runs into an Interpol agent sent to Thailand on a secret mission.