李炡珠(姜索拉 饰)高傲做人,积极度日,是一个在生活中格外努力的女子。然而,仿佛被衰神缠身一样,在李炡珠的生命里,似乎还没有发生过什么好事呢。个性倔强的李炡珠用坚硬的外壳将脆弱的内心层层包裹,只怕会受到伤害,然而,不幸还是接二连三的发生,她接连失去了工作和恋人,最终连宝 贵的健康也离她而去,无奈之下,她只能来到济州岛,在那里开始了全新的生活。 白建宇(柳演锡 饰)英俊帅气,文质彬彬,在生活中很受女性的欢迎,个性耿直的他虽然经常说一些不那么动听的大实话,但这样的性格却意外的教人讨厌不起来。就是这样两个人,命运的绳索将他们牵到了一起。Jung-joo has been working arduously for last five years in a clothing company. She wants to improve her life but nothing goes according to her plan, all of her hard work wasted as she lose her job, house and boyfriend. Mad at the world she relocated at Jeju Island and start anew life all over again. At Jeju Island she meet Bake Gun Woo chef restaurateur of a restaurant called "WARM AND COZY" who's belong to a wealthy family, then both gradually fall in love with each other...