冷漠的逃兵埃尔在一个小镇与花心牛仔卢克相遇后倒霉事不断,先是让黑心警长抢去了钱包,然后在监狱里被迫和一个不知道从哪里变出来的丧尸共处一室,接着又遭到了巡逻队的追杀。好在他们逃跑途中邂逅了会使用巫术的印第安女郎,并一起设计将巡逻队全歼。然而意想不到的事情发生了,那些人竟然全部变成了丧尸,明知敌不过的他们只好再次逃跑。此时小镇已经遍布丧尸,成为不毛之地,三人更被军队发现,关押进了军营。好日子没过多久,军营便被丧尸军团攻陷,已经忍无可忍的三人决定从这里和丧尸们做个了结……Elmer Winslow is a soldier on the run from the Union Army, and Luke Budd is a cowboy with a broken heart. When the two misfits rob the corrupt sheriff of an old west town, they have no idea that a plague of zombies is sweeping the country, or that Geronimo's sexy niece may be their only hope of survival.