《钢铁时代》是一部讲述健美圈故事的纪实大片,摄制组追踪纪录了职业健美巨星布兰奇·沃伦、罗利·温克拉、凯·格林、奥林匹亚先生菲尔·希斯以及很多其他健美明星备战2012年奥林匹亚先生赛的过程。 该片由美国传媒集团和作家兼导演弗拉德以及弗拉达公司合作拍摄,旨在让主流社会对健美运动有更多了解,从而有助于更好地消除大众对健美运动员的偏见,更好地普及健美运动。影片在拍摄阶段便开始了大张旗鼓的宣传造势,不断在网上放出消息,接受媒体采访,吊足了大家的胃口。From the producer of the original classic Pumping Iron', comes "Generation Iron" the long awaited true story of dedication, rivalry, victory, defeat, redemption and triumph... The film examines the professional sport of bodybuilding today and gives us access to the lives of current bodybuilding stars Phil Heath, Kai Greene, Branch Warren, Dennis Wolf, Victor Martinez, Hidetada Yamagishi as well as ambitious newcomer Ben Pakulski and European sensation Roelly Winklaar on their journey to be crowned Mr. Olympia.