在一个电闪雷鸣的日子里,身陷囹圄的一只耳成功越狱,引起黑猫警长的高度重视。次日一早,崇拜黑猫警长的小猪三嘟被伙伴大壮拉走,偷偷进入了即将开幕的翡翠之星博物馆。博物馆的前身是一座宇宙飞船,六十年前由羊山博士亲手开发。正当他们玩得不亦乐乎的时候,两个小家伙突然看见了鬼鬼祟祟的一只耳以及一个身材魁梧穷凶极恶的邪恶之人。这个家伙声称曾遭羊山博士背叛,当得知羊山博士已经去世的消息,他一腔怒火无处宣泄。狡猾的一只耳怂恿对方将复仇对象转移到全城人们,等后天博物馆开幕之际将市民全部绑架。 三嘟趁乱夺走了一只耳手中的能量块,而黑猫警长即将面临前所未有的大挑战……In this exciting Chinese action flick, Mr. Black is back! After notorious criminal rat, One-Ear escapes, Mr. Black organises a all-points bulletin to capture him. But more trouble is brewing: a mad ape scientist, Dr. Big Ape seeks revenge on those who have wronged him. Now joining forces with One-Ear, they have a diabolical plan up their sleeve: to kidnap the citizens and banish them to space using the "Emerald Star" on opening day. With the help of his fellow officers and a young pig partner, Mr. Black faces his foes in an epic showdown of the "Emerald Star"