Plot Summary:As if getting dumped by his wife and losing his job weren't enough, Sam Carbon gets enlisted to unravel the lies of his former life through a series of adventures. Carbon discovers that his Ex-Father in Law, Dr. Scantilini, has set him up to take the fall of his criminal nature. Carbon is then challenged to get ahead of the curve and fight his way out.
Roger Browne,赫尔佳·丽列,Miguel de la Riva,多梅尼科·鄂拿博纳,欧露莎尔芭·奈丽,Andrea Scotti,Susan Terry,Mila Stanic,Peter Blades,Dario De Grassi,Francesca Rosano,Giorgio Ubaldi,Beni Deus,Franco Lantieri,Ángel Menéndez,恩佐·安德罗尼科,Umberto Raho,阿方索·罗哈斯,杰夫·卡梅隆