Mew(Witwisit Hirunwongkul饰)和Tong(Mario Maurer饰)是一对小伙伴,一场悲剧却使二人不得不分开:Tong的姐姐阿红在一次野外旅行中不幸失踪,Tong的父母迅速决定离开这个伤心地。 几年后,长大了的两人在曼谷广场意外重逢,此时,Mew是August乐团的创作加主唱,相依为命的嬷嬷去世后,他独自一人寂寞地生活。Tong的家庭也难现欢乐,爸爸因为过度思念死去的女儿,整日借酒浇愁。重逢后,时间就像是逆流回童年,两人重拾以往的亲密无间,还是无话不谈的朋友。 渐渐的,一种新的情愫开始在两人心中滋生,派对上,Mew唱出他写的第一首情歌——为Tong而写的情歌,二人情不自禁亲吻了,不料这一幕却被Tong的妈妈尽收眼底……Tong和Mew的交往开始受到阻挠,二人陷入痛苦之中,亦因此得以重新审视这份感情。Two young boys are best friends living quiet family lives in Bangkok. Their lives are disrupted when one boy's older sister goes missing on a jungle trip. The shattered family moves away, separating the boys. Years later, now in their late teens, the boys meet again. One of them is now the leader of an aspiring boy band whose managing assistant bears a striking resemblance to the lost sister. The boys must deal with their family and social lives and their feelings for each other.