重修三次大学,玩了三年,公务员考试准备了三年的河阴奉式家族三代独子奉必(金在中 饰)是小区出名的神级无业游民。在听闻自己单恋了28年的女性朋友姜秀珍(金宥真 饰)就要结婚的晴天霹雳后,沮丧的他坠入奇怪的检查井开始了一场荒唐的时间之旅。如果无法阻止一周以后心爱的她的婚礼,那么他将以宾客而非新郎的身份出席这场婚礼。面对这样的境况,他可以成功的阻止这场婚礼,得到她的心吗?Bong Pil has been preparing for his civil servant exam for the past 3 years, but he is not enthusiastic about his studies. He wanders around neighborhoods. He then travel with his five friends between the past and present through a manhole in order to stop a wedding scheduled a week later.