

又名:继承大丈夫(港) / 继承人生(台) / 后人

上映日期:2011-09-02(特柳赖德电影节) / 2011-12-09(美国)片长:115

主演:乔治·克鲁尼 谢琳·伍德蕾 阿玛拉·米勒 尼克·克劳斯 帕特 




事业有成的律师马特(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney饰)的妻子因为一次意外变成了植物人。最近医生告诉他,妻子大限将至,令他倍受打击。同时,他作为夏威夷某岛的继承人还在与信托基金谈开发事宜。忙乱之中,两个女儿也不让马特省心:小女孩斯科蒂(阿玛拉·米勒 Amara Mil ler 饰)经常对同学爆粗口,马特只得带她亲自登门道歉;大女儿亚利桑德拉(谢琳·伍德蕾 Shailene Woodley 饰)住寄宿学校终日酗酒,母亲病重,马特希望亚利桑德拉摒弃对母亲的敌意,然而女儿却道出了母女决裂的原因——她发现了母亲出轨的事实。这彻底颠覆了妻子在马特心目中的印象。他跑去找妻子的闺蜜求证,答案竟然如出一辙。一直被蒙在鼓里的马特既失望又愤怒,开始带着女儿顺藤摸瓜,寻找第三者……   本片获第84届奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖。Matt King's family has lived in Hawaii for generations. His extended family - namely he and his many cousins - own 25,000 acres of undeveloped land on Kauai held in trust, which ends in seven years. The easiest thing for the family to do is sell the land before the seven years is up, which is all the talk in the state, as, to whom they sell the property could very well change the face of Kauai. Despite the vast wealth that comes with the land, Matt has decided to live solely on what he earns as a Honolulu lawyer. However, Matt has not had a perfect life living in Hawaiian paradise as many believe. He and his wife Elizabeth were having problems in their marriage. She recently got into a boating accident which has placed her in a coma. Their seventeen year old daughter Alex is in boarding school on the big island since they couldn't handle her rebellion, which was made all the worse by an argument of an unknown nature between mother and daughter during Alex's last visit home. And their ten year old daughter Scottie is starting to act out, which Matt doesn't know if he can handle, potentially raising her on his own. Matt decides to bring Alex home upon news that Elizabeth is brain dead, and that she will be pulled off life support. But revelations about Elizabeth and Alex's argument, which is tied indirectly to the issue of the land sale, leads to some decisions on Matt's part about what is best for him in both mourning Elizabeth's death and what is the best thing to do about the land, the two decisions which may be incompatible.