Plot Summary:The film Naga Story: The Other Side of Silence provides an introduction to the history of the Struggle by the Naga people in the- East frontier of the Indian subcontinent, and documents the human rights abuses suffered by the Naga people .
Daniel Bedford,玛雅·博格,Colin D. Calway,Orlando Capote,Nadya Cazan,John Darvill,雅克·法斯科,彼得·约瑟夫,Roxanne Meadows,Sven Erik Prytz,Martin Watmough,George Wright
Robert Bryce,Maya Amar,Joseph Al Assad,Priscilla Atansah,Jesse Ausubel,Mustafa Baalbaki,Emily Backus,Steve Brick,Arnaldo Castellano,Riad Chedid,Sanjay Kar Chowdhuryl,Miguel Colon,Joseph Cunningham,Mariano De Socarraz,Sudipta De