Plot Summary:\"I do like them, John I am, I do like green eggs and ham...\" especially on a pizza! While visiting Pie in Barrie, ON, host John Catucci learns to create a storybook pizza that could only be conceived by the mind of Dr. Seuss OR chef Randy Feltis. And he even attempts to eat the most epic pie of them all - the Furious Canucker - named after Canadian champion eater, Furious Pete. Next stop is Burger Barn in Oshweken, ON where Catucci enjoys a First Nations twist on burgers, tacos, E-I-E-I-Ooooo. Just don't expect to see any veggies, because there's no room! John's last stop is on the west coast at Smoken Bones Cookshack in Victoria, BC. First, this little piggy has a homemade spicy coiled sausage, then this little piggy has saucy, beefy, sweet sloppy Joes, then this little piggy has salty and sweet bacon brittle coated ice-cream that makes him go wahoo, wahoo, wahoo all the way home!