

主演:阿雷克西·查多夫 尤里亚·凯林娜 伊戈尔·卡列斯科夫 德米特 

导演:Baybulat Batullin 





Plot Summary:Fyodor Sadovsky, 35, is a delicate businessman with an impeccable reputation. He managed to turn his obsession with cleanliness into a source of income by opening his own cleaning company. However, even a successful business does not help Fyodor to get out of the shadow of his father, a Soviet cosmonaut, in whose honor a memorial plaque was installed on a house in the center of Moscow. In his life there has long been no place for new people, let alone feats. The schedule of his life is formed impeccably - on Wednesdays his mother comes to visit him, on Saturdays - his only friend Borya. However, the meeting with the new neighbor Alyona, who moved to Moscow from Salsk, changes the life of the protagonist one hundred and eighty degrees. At first glance, there is nothing in common between them, but this is only at first glance. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Alyona has an ex-husband - a quick-tempered and jealous airborne officer Seryoga, who is trying to return her by any means despite the divorce.
35 岁的费奥多尔-萨多夫斯基是一家清洁公司的普通主管,他的生活长期以来没有任何新朋友,更谈不上什么成就。过去几年里,他唯一的娱乐就是工作和与好友鲍利亚之间的国际象棋比赛。与此同时,费奥多尔房子里挂着他父亲的纪念牌,他的父亲是苏联著名的宇航员,费奥多尔从小就生活在父亲的阴影下。   来自萨尔斯克的女孩阿廖娜搬进了对面的公寓,她对个人和公共事务都毫不设限,这让一切都发生了变化。乍一看,他们之间没有任何共同之处,但费多尔却不知不觉地爱上了她。然而,阿廖娜的前夫--嫉妒心极强的VDV空降兵谢尔盖的出现使情况变得复杂起来。
