镜子与窗户The Mirror and the Window(2021)



导演:Diego Gutiérrez 





Plot Summary:Two individuals in two different spots in the world ask filmmaker Diego Gutiérrez to film them; his best friend and his mother. They both know they have little time to live. They both try to explain themselves to themselves; the reasons, the purpose, and the trace of their path through this world. The feeling of the impending end of their lives triggers a journey. A voyage to a place with no trail of human existence, to a possible vacuum of color, sound, texture and smells. An attempt to visualize the nothing, to touch it. While listening to his friend and to his mother, by mirroring in them and by being part of this journey, the filmmaker tries to get close to that which has no explanation. Why are we here? Is it worthwhile? Is it enough? The Mirror and the Window is an expedition, an exorcism, a spell - as a preparation for the big leap into the void, in an attempt to understand what life is about.
导演蒂亚戈·古提艾瑞兹的两个最亲近的人,母亲吉娜和他最好的朋友丹尼尔告诉他,他们的生命马上就要到达尽头。他们请古提艾瑞兹记录下自己生命的最后阶段——吉娜在她位于墨西哥城的公寓里,丹尼尔则在一家荷兰餐馆工作。他们故事会怎样结束呢?   作为一个电影导演,古提艾瑞兹知道,观众总是期待一个结局。他在故事的开头对着镜头举起一张孩子的照片,并在结尾处揭示了这张照片的重要性。吉娜提起了她一生的挚爱——那个人并不是迭戈的父亲。   古提艾瑞兹将吉娜和丹尼尔各自的生命旅程想象成一次前往南极洲的航行,那是一个没有人类干预痕迹的大陆,只有跨过暴风雨肆虐的大海才能到达。在这个旅程中,导演观察到,"我有一种感觉,我正在拍摄两支燃烧的蜡烛。他们要我继续拍下去,即使蜡烛。
