
又名:The Abortionist


主演:白灵 伍咏诗 邓月平 李玗蓁 鬼塚 






Plot Summary:Middle-aged single mother Jane (Bai Ling) teaches Tai Chi, but also has a secret life as a black market abortionist. Her customers come from different social classes and age ranges, including desperate underaged teenagers too afraid to find legal solutions. Out of the blue, Jane's 16-year-old daughter Kiki (Wing-Sze Ng) asks that she sign the lease of their apartment over to her on her 18th birthday. Jane is shocked and refuses on the spot, suspecting that Kiki's estranged father is behind the demand. Her home is her only security in a densely packed city where property and land are predominantly controlled by the rich. Kiki runs away, and moves in with her father across the border in Shenzhen, China. When Jane visits her daughter's school to demand that she return home, Kiki ignores her. Jane remembers that Kiki had recently kicked out one of her underaged customers, and lectured her mother about the sacred nature of life. At the time, Jane had explained to Kiki that her illegal work had paid for her daughter's upbringing. Out of love for Kiki, Jane retires and even joins a church where she repents her sins. Months later, Kiki faints on the street. She wakes up in hospital with her mother by her side.
無照持刀,珍姐騰出上門女孩的肚腹,珍姐女兒Kiki卻一心只想要媽媽的房子。把香港人身心健康檢查寫成一頁房地產報告,子宮滿了,請出房客,心裡空了,住不進任何人。誰的靈魂裡都是空房間,神來拜神,人來求人,給什麼就信什麼。彼此關係都成危樓,母女活在一個屋簷下,腳下難容寸土,距離卻越行越遠,豈是大起來的肚子阻隔她們,而是整個東方之珠橫亙在母女之間。看遍香港怪現狀,越有愛,才相欠債,心懷善念,必遭惡意。憐母心中苦,吾女腹內酸,香港不寬,地獄不空,嘻笑怒罵,荒謬怪誕,怪味人間。      生活若是三昧真火,陳果便順勢煉成火眼金睛,耳邊重新響起《餃子》清脆咀嚼聲響,白靈這回要給你端上酸辣湯。咬牙切齒,囓斷舌尖,卻又含嗔帶笑,舉重若輕。直把當代香港生活的清明上河圖拍成地獄變。
