
又名:Pillow Talk


主演:王沺裁 白薇秀 方展发 谢韵仪 郑秀珍 朱厚任 向云 陈澍承 






Plot Summary:What is the true meaning of marriage? Qiu Xue (Joanne Peh), a believer in romance, marries Ting Kai (Pierre Png), a conservative and practical man. However, the newlyweds are far from happy. Qiu Xue's parents get divorced and the couple is financially strapped when Tingkai gets retrenched. Will kinship and love overcome Ting Kai's sense of inferiority and Qiu Xue's pride? In the meantime, the married couple Qiu Yu (Thomas Ong)) and Chu Ning (Michelle Chia) has a six-year-old daughter, Duo Duo. Their previously sweet romance dampens over time and Qiu Yu gets entangled in an affair with his work partner Alice (Jacelyn Tay). Is there true love brewing beneath the affair? The marriage hits rock-bottom when Duo Duo is diagnosed with a hole in her heart. Marriage is about preserving a love long expired. What will it take for them to discover the love hidden in their marriages?
男人与女人究竟有多不同?恋爱与婚姻究竟有多不同?   一对年轻人,因憧憬婚姻而结婚,而女主角的父母,在女儿结婚后三天,立即离婚,因为在漫长的婚姻生活中,已经受够了对方。   此剧描绘了四对夫妻的婚姻生活:一对新婚燕尔,还在婚姻的起跑点,享受着一起生活的甜蜜;一对是结婚七年,在事业孩子生活中挣扎求存,感情开始触礁,却依然不晓得如何经营婚姻的夫妻;一对是结婚几十年,一直想改变对方却失败,憧憬结束婚姻重获自由,最终发现彼此是不可或缺的夫妻;一对是互相扶持,以小吵为情趣的老夫老妻,看透婚姻的本质,以智慧经营着他们平淡的婚姻。   此剧除了探讨婚姻是什么,还以轻松逗趣的形式提供了维持婚姻的小窍门,盼望能寓教于娱乐,让大家体会"家,不是讲理的地方,是讲爱的地方"。相处是技术,婚姻是需要用耐心、智慧和爱心经营的真谛。
