Plot Summary:50 year old Giulio (Tognazzi) and his 17 year old goddaughter, Vincenzina (Muti) fall madly in love with each other and soon are wed. Giulio's jealousy gets in the way of their happiness though. Has Vincenzina cheated on him with his younger friend or not?
奥内拉·穆蒂,Pedro Díez del Corral,Mark Edwards,Mayrata O'Wisiedo,玛利亚-何塞·阿方索,阿尔维托·德·门多萨,马里奥·帕尔多,安东尼奥·卡萨斯,Nélida Quiroga,碧拉尔·巴登,Alejandro de Enciso,Saturno Cerra,Rafael Vaquero,José Luis de las Heras