郊野El campo(2011)

又名:In the Open


主演:多洛莉丝·房兹 莱昂纳多·斯巴拉格利亚 Juan Ville 

导演:Hernán Belón 





Plot Summary:Elisa, a thirty-eight-year old woman, leaves for a week with her husband and young daughter on a vacation to a house in the country. Everything is going for her: she has a successful professional career, loves her family, has enough money for a comfortable life, and has plans for the future. After arriving to the country, a strange feeling takes hold of her. She starts feeling the presence of something that moves the treetops at night, makes the dogs howl, and wanders like the breath of a ghost across the infinite countryside. A stinging feeling that kills all her certainties. In the middle of the night Elisa wakes up. The moonlight shines on her face. She looks at her husband, asleep beside her, her look lingers on the body of the man with whom she has spent so many hours, a body that now seems to her that of a stranger. She gets up and runs to her daughter's room. She gently places her hand on the little girl's chest to make sure she is breathing. She looks at the vast field. She will not be able to sleep again.
Elisa是一名38岁的女性,与丈夫和小女儿搬到乡村的房子里度假。到达乡村后,一种奇怪的感觉挥之不去。她开始感到夜间移动树梢的未知物体的存在,使狗嚎叫,并像乡村野鬼一样无尽徘徊。一种刺痛的感觉杀死了她所有的确定性。她在半夜醒来,看着丈夫在她身边睡着,这个再熟悉不过的人现在看来像是一个陌生人。她站起来跑到女儿房间,将手放在小女孩的胸前确保她正在呼吸。她看着广阔的田野,她将无法再次入睡。   阿根廷导演及编剧赫尔南·贝隆的第一部剧情长片,这部电影在亚眠国际电影节上获得最佳男演员奖,并在马拉加西班牙电影节上获得最佳女演员奖。
