活下去Остаться в живых(2018)


主演:叶戈尔·科列什科夫 米哈伊尔·波列琴科夫 亚历山大·戈尔巴托 






Plot Summary:Two friends are in love with a beautiful Vera Paramonova. Piotr Strelchenko - the 'guy No.1' in their hometown, who has brilliantly completed the military service - has no doubt that their wedding with Vera is a resolved question. Boris Zhikharev - a stubborn and talented cadet, a future military engineer - in all respects \"gives up\" in competition with Piotr, and does not count on anything. However, contrary to expectations, Vera gives preference to him and marries him. Piotr leaves the city, returns to military with no terms. Moreover, Vera is convinced of the correctness of her choice, becomes a happy wife and mother. However, the war broke out turning everything upside down. In July 1941, terrible news arrives - her husband, Boris Zhikharev voluntarily surrendered and actively cooperates with the enemy. Regardless of any evidence, Vera does not believe in the betrayal of Boris and decides to prove to everyone that the information she received about her husband is a lie.
1941 年秋。德国军队正在向莫斯科推进。彼得·斯特雷琴科和军事工程师鲍里斯·日哈列夫(叶戈尔·科列什科夫)将在的战斗中炸毁德寇的占领的战略重要大坝。
