Plot Summary:In the future, large corporations earn millions of dollars by staging gladiatorial fights to the death that are shown on worldwide television. One day, however, a fighter who is scheduled to hunt and kill an opponent in the Arizona desert decides he's had enough, and makes a run for it. His opponent is instructed to track him down and kill him.
南茜·瓦伦,迈克尔·帕尔,特雷弗·斯泰恩斯,艾琳·戴维森,保罗·福克斯,提姆·阿贝尔,安津罗森,Lanett Tachel,Cheyenne Haynes,丹妮尔蕾恩,Logan Coffey,肯妮迪·塔克,Giovannie Espiritu,Michael Varde,Duke Van Patten,Christopher M. Dukes