
又名:即使今夜,这段恋情将从世上消失 / 即使这份爱今夜从世上消失(港) / Even If This Love Disappears Tonight

上映日期:2022-07-29(日本) / 2022-10-09(釜山电影节)片长:122分钟

主演:道枝骏佑 福本莉子 古川琴音 松本穗香 萩原圣人 野波麻帆  




日期 资源名称
2023-04-07 1080p 5.46gb even.if.this.love.disappears.from.the



Plot Summary:Because of his bullying classmates, Toru Kamiya makes a false confession to his classmate Maori Hino. Her tells her that he likes her, but she lays out rules for him if they are to date. One of her rules is that they are not to fall in love with each other. Toru and Maori begin to date and have a good time together. Soon, Toru breaks his promise and falls in love with Maori. When Toru makes a heartfelt confession to her, Maori informs him that she has a disease. When she wakes up, her disease causes her to have no memory of the day before. She keeps a diary of what happened the day before and reads it in the morning to be able to recall her memories. Toru decides to bring to her as many happy days as possible.
我的人生是无色透明的。在与日野真织相遇之前——。   被同班同学煽动,对她设计了的谎言的告白。但是她以“彼此都真心不喜欢”为条件接受了告白。   就这样开始了虚假的恋爱。不久之后,当它不再是谎言的时候--我知道。   “我病了。你说忘了,晚上睡觉就忘了。一天中发生的所有事情”   与每天都失去记忆的她,每天积累着仅限一天的恋爱。但是那个突然宣告结束……。   本片改编自同名小说,女主角真织因为患上疾病,每天都会失去记忆,男主角小透以一次虚假的告白为契机,决定守护真织的幸福。电影描述了他们之间感人的恋情。本片将于7月29日在日本上映。道枝骏佑、福本莉子将双主演电影《即使今夜,这段恋情将从世上消失》,这是他们在《消失的初恋》后再次搭档,也是道枝骏佑的首部主演电影。
