黑夜遥望Seeing in the Dark(2007)



导演:Nigel Ashcroft 





Plot Summary:Stargazing is the subject of Seeing in the Dark, a 60-minute, state-of-the-art, high-definition (HDTV) documentary written, produced and narrated by award-winning filmmaker, journalist and best-selling author Timothy Ferris. The program introduces viewers to the rewards of first person, hands-on astronomy. It is based on Ferris book, Seeing in the Dark (Simon \u0026 Schuster, 2002), named by The New York Times as one of the ten best books of the year.\n\nThe program features remarkable high-definition astrophotography, and introduces men and women who have seen and captured phenomenal images within and beyond our solar system and galaxy, both professionals and amateurs. They include:\n\nRobert Smith, former star NFL running back turned stargazer, Miami, Florida; Barbara Wilson, teacher, Houston, Texas; Steven James OMeara, artist, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Ron Bissinger, CEO, Pleasanton, California; Rob Gendler, radiologist, Avon, Connecticut; Michael Koppelman, musician, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Debra Fischer, astrophysicist, Berkeley, California; The Bisque Brothers, designers of telescope-control software and hardware, Golden, Colorado
一部关于探索星空的纪录片。   浩瀚宇宙,独立于我们狭隘的自我之外。   也许,躯壳里住着的灵魂该抬头向天,哪怕只是轻声地问一句:我自何处来,又将何处去... ...
