胜负难料:Movistar勇闯大环赛 第二季El día menos pensado(2021)

又名:The Least Expected Day: Inside the Movistar Team


导演:José Larraza Marc Pons 

胜负难料:Movistar勇闯大环赛 第二季:在线播放

胜负难料:Movistar勇闯大环赛 第二季:最新迅雷BT资源

胜负难料:Movistar勇闯大环赛 第二季:最新字幕下载

胜负难料:Movistar勇闯大环赛 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:After the pandemic, the Tour de France represents a difficult return to competition for the Movistar team. Falls, fears and problems that come at the worst time of the season.
Pro cycling's Movistar Team sets their sights on victory while on the road as they face challenges, controversy and internal conflict.
