蹂躏与报复Sélect Hôtel(1996)

又名:Select Hotel


主演:朱莉·加耶 Jean-Michel Fête Serge B 






Plot Summary:It's a hotel with walls in the corridor covered with striped paper, crossed like bars of a dingy prison, its rooms as large as cells. The Select Hotel is a dead end place for those who do not have enough cash to go somewhere else. The last shelter for those who hang around at night. These shadows walking silently along the streets, selling their poor body heat for a few crumpled banknotes, swallow and digested by their voracious thirst for a cheap high. Enough to forget for a while the distress of a ruined life and to dream of a more rejoicing elsewhere. Nathalie and her brother Tof struggle against this futureless world. Pierre, a shoe-repairer, troubled by Nathalie's grace will take part for a while to the life of these two children of misery.
20岁的娜塔莉美丽、天真,在巴黎的一间小旅馆里卖淫谋生。她遇见皮埃尔——一个平凡家庭的父亲,她向他倾诉那晚惊奇、淫荡、暴力的世界。而一个无赖想从她身上捞点好处,女孩的弟弟试图保护她,无赖决定报仇……   一世人两姐弟流落巴黎,二十出头已是一穷二白,青春本钱输得七七八八,四面夹攻是鄙视的白眼。山穷水尽的她和他,拾起枪杆子想著一铺定输赢,谁知枪口却送了自家一程。幽闭破落的旅馆,只是黄泉路上的转车站。毫无指望的糜烂生活,跟花都的繁华璀灿完全沾不上边。在封闭的绝情空间,互相折磨如行尸走肉─是无脚鸟飞到巴黎找到了知音?还是青春本来就是诅咒,非以生命超渡无法获得解脱?   ◎ 影片评价:   法国1996年劳伦特·波尼克自编自导的剧情片,讲述关于妓女生活的故事。冰冷惨绿的影像,倾情狂放的演出,那份现代都会的抑郁和绝望,使人屏息静气心跳加速。
