
又名:Vragi / Enemies


主演:尤利娅·奥格 Axel Schrick Yelena Yat 






Plot Summary:Belorussia, summer 1942. The war has moved on, far off to the east. The life of a small town where the German authorities of the region have set themselves up is getting back to \"normal\". The Germans study Russian, flirt with the local girls, the women wash their clothes and feed them. They have to carry on somehow... But suddenly the teenage son of the film's heroine decides to run away to the partisans and blows up a German train so that they could accept him. He gets caught and the Germans have to execute him in order \"to teach others a lesson\". That's the order and it can't be disobeyed. The Germans know that this execution will bring an end to their peaceful lives. The local commandant understands this better than anyone as he is already involved in a close relationship with the boy's mother. But he can't ignore an order from his commanders ...
二次世界大战中,俄罗斯一个叫做高福村的小村庄住进了一队德国兵.村子里的人各有各的特点,娜塔利亚,虽然失去了丈夫,却仍然坚强生活抚养儿子.纳斯提亚,一个单身妇女,爱抱怨, 爱管闲事是她的本性,但她内心其实非常善良.年老的斯德潘脑筋聪明灵活,经常想出点子耍弄德国兵.他们与敌人生活在一起,经历着情感,思想的历练.一个名叫格里沙的小男孩的旁白贯穿了整部影片.格里沙在电影中没有一处镜头,但他的故事却可以说是贯穿电影的一根主线.他是一个勇敢的孩子,甚至要炸轨道.但他还是被德国巡逻队逮住了.他勇敢的母亲和村民做了无力的努力,最终..
