Plot Summary:In 1975, Shinichi Nakamichi studies hard at a prestigious university in Tokyo. After graduation, Shinichi Nakamichi lands a job at a big trading company and he seems to have a bright future, but he has a secret he can't tell anyone. Back in his school days, he had a spiritual awakening experience. Since then, he is in contact with Gods. One day, he meets Yoshiko Nekata, who works at the same company,and he gets attracted to her.
“千眼美子”(清水富美加) X 幸福科学 映画第一弹---「さらば青春、されど青春。」 主演是幸福科学“太子”-大川宏洋,千眼桑还将演唱主题曲「眠れぬ夜を超えて」。 2018年夏季开映,千眼美子怒涛的映画六连弹开幕篇。