Plot Summary:Jinmu starts to record things he should remember with a camera after hearing that he could lose his memory due to the prearranged brain surgery. Memories of family and his forgotten father comes to Jinmu's mind as he takes records of his life.
Jinmu starts to record things he should remember with a camera after hearing that he could lose his memory due to the prearranged brain surgery. Memories of family and his forgotten father comes to Jinmu's mind as he takes records of his life. Jinmu听说脑部手术后的他可能会丧失记忆,于是他开始拿起摄影机,记录下想要记住的人和事。随着他开始记录自己的生活,那些关于家庭的、被忘却的父亲的记忆,渐渐被打捞起来。