苏恩:伴郎Sune - Best Man(2019)



主演:Sissela Benn Elis Gerdt Fredri 






Plot Summary:Sune's class is going on a secret school trip. Sune and Sophie are really looking forward to spending time together when Sune suddenly realizes that Grandpa Helmer's wedding is the same weekend. Panic. Class trip with Sophie or his best friend Grandpa? Sune can't make his mind up so decides to do both. Or something in between. At the same time Rudolf is suspicious about the bride. Is Grandpa's new wife just after his money? And Karin runs into her former love, who is everything that Rudolf is not. Welcome back the Andersson family.
Sune and Sophie are going on a class trip, "the secret journey".It turns out it is the same date as Sune's favourite grandpa is getting remarried. And his grandpa wants Sune to be his best man. When at grandpa's he changes his mind. He has to go back to the classtrip. After this we are on a road trip, Sune is chasing Sophie and the class - and his parents are chasing Sune
