The Green Buddha(1955)


主演:韦恩·莫瑞斯 玛丽·梅罗尔 沃尔特·瑞拉 珀西·赫伯特 Wo 


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The Green Buddha:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:International crook Wolf Frees and his partner, Percy Herbert, steal the "Green Buddah," a priceless eastern-art object, while it is on a display-exhibition in London. Frees double-crosses Herbert and forces Wayne Morris, the owner of a small charter-plane company to fly him to Glasgow. During the flight, the two men struggle and the plane crashes. Morris then sets out to find the Buddah and claim the reward to pay for his wrecked plane. During his search, Morris Meets and falls in love with nightclub singer Mary Germaine. The search for the fence who has the Buddah ends up a roller-coaster at an amusement park.
