Plot Summary:A live-action reboot of the 1998 cartoon The Powerpuff Girls (1998), set a couple decades into the girls' future. The titular trio, formed by Blossom, Buttercup and Bubbles, are now disillusioned women in their twenties who resent having lost their childhood to crime-fighting. Now, they are faced with the choice of reuniting and going back to crime-fighting together, as the world needs them now more than ever.
真的是活久见!CW宣布开发动画改编真人剧《飞天小女警 The Powerpuff Girls》,由Arrowverse的Greg Berlanti负责。改编自美国大热的Cartoon Network动画的剧集版讲述三位超级英雄女主过去是小孩子,现在已经20多岁的她们对自己为了打击罪犯而丧失童年感到不满,不过现在世界还是需要女主们重出江湖。