Plot Summary:Former police officer Ken Terahara now works at a private security firm. While working in Taiwan, he is called back to Japan for his new mission. He is assigned to guard Takanori Matsuoka, the secretary-general of the Democratic Liberal Party. Matsuoka is a popular politician, but he also has many enemies. Ken soon sees firsthand the dark side of politics. Meanwhile, Prosecutor Satoko Sakurai, who was demoted as a whistle-blower, returns to the Special Division of the Tokyo District Prosecutors' Office. Her colleagues though give her icy looks and refer to her as the woman who sold out her colleague. A blast then occurs at a branch office for a credit union and a cash transport vehicle is robbed. The credit union blast and robbery then links Bodyguard Terahara, Politician Matsuoka, Prosecutor Sakurai and credit union employee Ishikawa. That link then spreads out to entail middle school teacher Shoichi Takashima in Hokkaido, Nurse Rie Kawamoto in Tokyo and apparel company employee ...