杰夫的艾格峰北壁路线Jeff Lowe`s Metanoia(2014)


主演:Conrad Anker James Bartos Balo 

导演:Jim Aikman 





Plot Summary:From the top of the world to the end of the line, this film follows the life and climbs of legendary alpinist Jeff Lowe, through his visionary ascents around the world up to his current dance with a terminal disease. Metanoia: A fundamental change of thinking; a transformative change of heart. Jeff's 'unimaginable' new route, Metanoia, up the North Face of the Eiger in Switzerland, changed his life forever and prepared him for the greatest adventure he's ever been on - the climb of his life, as he slowly loses all of his physical abilities and faces his own mortality. It is a mind-bending adventure through time and space that gives physical form to Jeff's unique philosophies and inspiring creative genius. Narrated by Jon Krakauer.
Metanoia,希腊语,音译为“迈坦”,意思是心灵意念的根本改变,是一种“开悟”的经验也是杰夫·劳在艾格峰北壁开辟的最直接的路线的名字。   艾格峰北壁攀登路线Metanoia,从世界的最高峰到人生的低谷,这部影片记录了登山家杰夫·劳的一生和他传奇的登山史,涵盖了他攀登高峰的经历,以及与衰竭性疾病的共舞,特别是Metanoia路线的攀登。在寒冷严酷的冬天,独自一人,迎面峭壁,这次攀登彻底改变了他的生活,也让他踏上了最为冒险的旅程,然而选择爱而不是恐惧,用积极的心态拥抱现实,杰夫用坚韧不拔的意志和幽默排解一切困难。
