Plot Summary:A young Afghan couple is trying to leave Afghanistan and to exile to Europe from Afghanistan in a hope to find a better life. To execute this plan, they first illegally arrive in Iran by bus. He stays in the residence of another Afghan friend who is already in Tehran and is ready to move to Turkey. But finally, they realize that they need convincing reasons to move from Turkey to Europe and be recognized as refugees. Eventually, she tries to convert from Islam to Catholicism, but there are even greater problems and dangers.
罗娜和哈米德是两位来自阿富汗的年轻人,为了更好的生活,他们决定移民到欧洲。但在到达欧洲之前,他们还要面临一个重大抉择,一个关于他们宗教信仰的抉择。 Rona and Hamed are two young Afghans who are in love with each other. Searching for a better life, they have decided to immigrate to Europe. But they have to make a big decision to make it happen, a decision that relates to their religion and beliefs.