驴皮公主Peau d'âne(1906)


导演:Albert Capellani 





Plot Summary:In this beautiful little fairy story we see a rich old fellow who is the possessor of a magic donkey, and when he is currycombed he sheds gold in profusion, and keeps his master well supplied in wealth. The old fellow has a beautiful daughter and is desirous of marrying her to a man of his choice, but the latter is so ugly that when he is presented to the girl she turns away in horror, and will have nothing to do with him. He shows her beautiful gowns and tries in every manner (with the assistance of her father) to win her, but she is steadfast in her resolutions and finally turn him out. When she is left alone she opens the casket which contains the dresses, and out steps a beautiful Fairy Queen, who promises to befriend her. She advises the girl not to marry till her father gives her the donkey's skin, and then urging her to keep up her courage, the good Queen disappears. The next picture shows us the death of the poor old donkey and when the skin is ready the girl is presented with...
