世越号之后After the sewol(2017)

又名:세월호 그 후


主演:Jang Hoon Kwon Oh Hyun Owen Mi 

导演:尼爾‧喬治 馬修‧路特 





Plot Summary:On the 16th April 2014 South Korea was changed as a nation. After the days, weeks and months that followed the Sewol tragedy, the country became undone, untrusting and more divided than we have ever seen in its history. 'After the Sewol' explores the changing faces of this nation through the eyes of two British film makers. They talk with relatives of the victims, rescue divers and activists about their struggles and battles since this tragic accident happened and embark upon a journey to uncover how this accident came about, looking deep into Korean history about why no action was taken to prevent it in the first place. This journey takes them all over Korea, meeting an older generation struggling to create a safer place for their children to live in and a young vibrant generation fighting for a corrupt free society. But, all of them searching for one thing, the truth about why the Sewol victims died.
《世越號之後》(After the Sewol)紀錄片製作過程中採訪了遇難者家屬、活動人士及救援人員,紀錄片指出政府要為這起悲劇負起最大責任──在意外接連發生後,政府沒有強化安全標凖,把經濟發展放在首位而忽略韓國人民的福祉。
