
主演:洪凌 陈天文 符芳榕 吴劲威 金银姬 Regene Lim  

导演:陈金祥 李世雄 郭静敏 马松欣 





Plot Summary:Mandy (Zoe Tay), Miao Miao (Kym Ng) and Si Jin (Somaline Ang) come from different backgrounds but share one common trait, they have to raise their children single-handedly. Mandy was a socialite before her husband died after absconding with company funds. She was forced to move into a tiny apartment with her two daughters and shares it with another tenant Dong Yu (Pierre Png). Miao Miao is a housewife whose husband worked overseas all year long, leaving her to raise their three sons alone. Si Jin was a student with good grades, until she gave it up to give birth to her son at 19 years old and became a single mother. All three seemingly different women become friends and see each other through many ups and downs. And at the centre of it all is an uncanny guardian angel, Dong Yu, who helped them through many difficult times. But soon is it discovered that Dong Yu was a convicted felon, what are his secrets and will it change their friendship with him?
施若芸、吴淼淼和叶思今来自不同生活背景,但同病相怜都是单亲妈妈。若芸在这之前是个生活悠雅,美满幸福的富家太太。可是她的丈夫却亏了公款,试图与情妇远走高飞。丈夫突然暴毙倒下。一夕之间她的人生被打落入谷底。母女三人甚至被逼搬迁到一个不到一千平方尺的三房式组屋,与身份神秘的帅哥苏东宇同住一屋檐下。淼淼的老公为了让家人有更好的生活,长年在杜拜的餐馆当厨师,她被迫身兼父母双职,一肩扛起了照顾家庭的重担。思今高中时期跟浪子男朋友凯威相恋,在19岁未婚怀孕,不料凯威却突然人间蒸发,性格倔强的思今不顾父亲的反对,毅然生下儿子叶小希,成为了单亲妈妈。三个来自不同背景的单亲妈妈经过不少波折后,渐渐成为无话不谈的好友。而东宇是支撑着她们的守护天使。但她们后来发现东宇是个有前科的杀人犯! 他到底还隐藏着什么秘密?他的过去是否会影响他们的友谊?
