Prairie Chickens(1943)


主演:Jimmy Rogers Rosemary La Planc 

导演:Hal Roach Jr. 

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Prairie Chickens:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Another in the Roach "streamliner" series of semi-westerns top-billing Jimmy Rogers (Jimmy) and Noah Beery, Jr. (Pidge) as out-of-work cowhands. This one is a showcase - in some instances too much so - for oft-times screen-drunk Jack Norton (Henry Lewis Clark III) who takes no drinks here but gets the same results from popping vitamin pills. Clark is coming West to take a look at his 35,000 acre ranch that only has 1500 head of cattle on it according to crooked ranch foreman Albertson, which is basically correct since Albertson and his henchmen have rustled the other 4,000 head. Albertson talks the town civic leaders, including hotel proprietor Jefferson Gilbert, into staging a three-day welcoming party for Clark to keep him away from the ranch while trucks are hauling off the cattle. Thanks to Clark's chauffeur Farnsworth, who gives the stranded Jimmy and Pidge a lift, Pidge is mistaken for Clark. Also enter a tour bus filled with the likes of Marjorie Woodworth, Rosemary LaPlance, ...
