魔界王子魔界王子 devils and realist(2013)

又名:devils and realist

主演:江口拓也 寺岛拓笃 松冈祯丞 柿原彻也 福山润 神谷浩史  

导演:今千秋 矢野孝典 柳濑雄之 渡部周 渡边正彦 石井和彦 津田义三 畠山茂树 久保山英一 




Plot Summary:The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion, and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world.
就读英国贵族学校的威廉·特怀宁(江口拓也 配音),因为破产付不起高昂的学费,在家中试图寻找隐藏的金库时,无意中触动了魔法阵,把恶魔但他林(寺岛拓笃 配音)召唤出来。他自称为魔界大公爵,是魔界代理王的最佳人选,还说威廉是所罗门的后裔,是魔界“选定者”,拥有选定代理王的权利。作为一个相信科学的现实主义者,威廉认为但他林所说一切皆为胡言,还把他赶出家门。   再次回到学校的威廉,意外发现自己拖欠的学费已经交齐。不仅如此,班上突然多了一位插班生,而他居然就是但他林。但他林不仅帮威廉缴纳了学费,还时刻陪在身边保护他。与此同时,威廉遇到一个神秘的学生西迪(松冈祯丞 配音),他自称魔界子爵,同时也是代理王候补……关于魔界与人间,恶魔和现实主义者的故事,就此展开。
